

The third event I attended was a webinar that happened on May 28. The webnar was hosted by professors Barbara Flueckiger, Ulricher Ruedel, Susanne Kahler, and Sreya Chatterjee. My first impression was that the event wouldn't really be as enjoyable since color analysis is not really a topic I am not involved with. Learning about the actual research and the goal to be very aesthetic in color compounds was actually very interesting. The majority of the topics had a lot of advanced concepts and color measuring that I was clueless on, but I did understand the basics of their goal, and historical techniques. To be concise, I did understand the history and the purposes they had, but not the complex mechanisms and terms they utilized.                                                                 ...

Weekly Blog_ Space and Art

Art has a huge implementation on the study and understanding of space. Even during historical times, our ancestors had tried to understand and make use of the cosmos. For example, the North Star has been utilized for centuries by travelers to guide their direction. Some stars in the night sky were lined together to be imaged by our ancestors. Known as constellations, our ancestors added lines between stars to form pictures, figures, or gods. The Greeks would sometimes create constellations representing their, mythological heroes and gods.  In the modern era, art has been utilized to firstly understand our cosmos. There are numerous books and media depicting the color, sizes, and distances of the planets in our solar system. There are also museums depicting our planets. For example, the Griffith Observatory, located in LA, has a section dedicated to showing visitors the sizes of planets relative to each other.  In my opinion, art is very important for the visualization and unde...

Weekly Blog Nanotech+Art

 Nanotech is a subject that currently has a lot of speculation, planning, and in the heart of what the future will be like. Nanotechnology is the study and engineering of devices and technology that are one billionth of a meter. With the technology of small proportions, many people can speculate on the possibilities(Silva, n.a). One of the most well-known potentials uses for nanotech in the applications to medicine. With a small size, nanotech can be seen entering the bodies of humans and interacting with them on a subcellular level. For example, there can be nanotech that can be able to identify cancer tissue inside someone. Nanotech can help researchers understand better the cellular mechanisms and how proteins interact( Rajiv,2010).   Another application of nanotech is on food. Before discussing further, it is important to note that nanotech doesn't usually mean a small mini device. When one brings up the word "nanotech", one person may easily assume a group of mini-ro...

Weekly Blog: NeuroScience+Art

 This week I learned more about neuroscience. Last quarter I took a class heavily related to neuroscience called "psychobiology". This week's resources were able to revisit the topics taught in that course. Similar to the first lecture video of week class, the first thing that is important to define is consciousness. Consciousness is the act of being aware and being able to comprehend that you are in existence. Consciousness includes the acts of able to feel emotion, form memories, have awareness of surroundings. Scientists have had several questions on how humans consciousness functions, such as how do we actually form memories(Bukeman 2015). Understanding consciousness is very complex. It needs to the understanding of parts of the brain, and how they all work together to make one conscious being. Different types of the brain are activated depending on the perception(Sohn, 2019). I myself believed that there was hardly any connection between neuroscience and art. One con...

Event #2: Gattaca

 The second event I attended was watching Gattaca. This event occurred via zoom on May 7. Being present on the zoom call hosted by Jessica, we were sent a link to watch the movie. This movie was heavily based on an alternate timeline where genetic modification is heavily used. In a world where genetic modification defines your social status, people born naturally have lower-paying jobs.   (the scenes from the movie are sadly blacked out by Vimeo app)                                                            The plot of the movie mainly involves impersonation and investigation. The protagonist is a natural-born person who utilizes the DNA of a valid person, is capable of finding a higher paying job at a corporation. When realizing the movie takes place in a civilization where some people can be hindered m...

Week 6-BioTech+Art

 Biotech is a topic that always brought me curiosity. Although I hardly take my time to research this subject, this week's topic was able to make me dive into it. Just like the majority of people, I am curious about any negative/positive effects that biotech can introduce. Biotechnology has a lot of controversies. One such controversy is genetically modified animals. These controversies can be eating such animals, releasing modified animals to the wild, or the fear of any disease from consuming of these animals.  One subtopic that I leaned heavily on is animal genomes. In a process known as genetic engineering. In this process, the DNA sequence of a desirable trait is put on an organism. This can be done from a process known as microinjection, where the DNA is placed inside a sperm cell. This is important for farming purposes, as livestock can be chosen to have desirable traits, such as better meat. Also, this process replaced an older process to conceive desirable traits on l...

Week 4: Med and Art

 This week the focus is the relationship between art, medicine, and technology. One thing I learned is that in many cases, is that art is a tool utilized in technology to make technology a better experience and to make it easier to use. For example, the CT scan is a tool utilized to image a person's body. In this sense, technology is utilized for the purpose of diagnosing a person's well-being. The aspect of art comes from the design of the CT scan. The whole design of the CT scan consists of a donut shares machine and a bench that goes in between. The scanning machine(donut-shaped) shape allows for people to be inside and with the bench, specialists can be able to move a person's position. Due to this, doctors can center the Ct scan to the desired area where they have an interest in imaging. At the core, the CT scan scans several x-rays at once from different angles. The rotating functionality of the CT scan allows this to be effectively done. Overall,  technology is used ...